New Delivery of PFA Flash Cards

Posted: Feb 18 2012

We've just received a new delivery of PFA Flash Cards! Get your set now before they sell out again!

The Pole Fitness Association flash cards feature over 70 moves and top international pole dancers; Becca Butcher, Este Zakar, Fawnia Mondey-Deitrich, Felix Cane, Jenyne Butterfly, Lorinda Kay, Marlo Fisken and Zoraya Judd. 

The flash cards cover everything you need to know including; grips, leg positions, floorwork, spins, climbs, mounts and dismounts.

The cards also have a handy punched hole in the top left corner and come with a metal ring so you can keep the cards together and easily flip through them or file them in a binder. 

Find out more about the PFA Flash Cards and buy a set here

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